Life has become much too complicated and people take it much too seriously. Individuals have lost that wonder they had when they were a child, an appreciation of things for what they were and not what they represent. The art world demands that we seek deep meaning in art as opposed to just enjoying the art itself, if it looks like a duck...! My art has no underlying meaning, no deep philisophical revelations, no overt political or social messages. I do not paint to force people to think about a possible message my images contain. I am not trying to redefine morals or other such stuff. We are bombarded with moralistic and deeply significant messages often enough by the mass media. I paint because I like to paint. My mind is full of images, both good and bad, some funny. Others I will admit contain some apparent symbolism. Most often, if it looks like a duck, that is all it is probably meant to be. These images are all from my own imagination, the way I personally perceive things, shaped in part by the world I live in. Art was never meant to be serious, it was meant to be enjoyed.
Remember, it is only art, you either like it or you don't !
